Thursday, February 28, 2008
New Technology- A Threat or a Promise?

Would you consider new technology something that will improve out daily lifestyle, or problems that you will handle in the future? Most people, who prefer to live in luxury, will embrace with open arms that new technology to improve their daily lives, but careful thinkers will ponder over the negative result before making a choice. Over thousands of years, humans have evolved from less intelligent species of animals. Intellectual ability of humans is always expanding. New ideas being to formulate and an invention is a success. Yes, technology improved our lifestyle, but has anyone bothered to dig inside to find out the negative effects of technology?
Technology is many things to us. Well-off people would say luxury, while middle class people would say a new way of life. I would say that it helps me cope with my studies and work more efficiently than before. Technology is an important necessity for many people. Practically everyone in the world is dependant on technology to improve their way of living. It has helped us to do numerous experiments that people thought was impossible, proven that some impossible are made possible, find cure in the midst of plague and many more miracles. Science produces countless numbers of miracles that has shaped the world as you would see. Without it, we cannot continue our daily live properly.
However, certain things have side effects. Technology has brought us really far. Along the trail, we have also brought destruction with us. We live in luxury, and certainly none of us are complacent. There are prices to pay when we use them. Air-conditioners, they use up a lot of electricity to produce cold air to suit our needs. Yet, we use them regularly, using up lots of electricity. Electricity requires burning of coal to be made. The Earth’s supply is running dry and prices are shooting up. Burning coal will emit carbon dioxide, which will be trapped within the atmosphere, thus heating up the Earth. Many people care more about their economy and wealth rather than the importance of the environment.
I would consider technology more of a threat than a promise. Yes, it may bring us luxury and peace, but it would not bring happiness to the Earth, and generations that will suffer the effects of the actions. We wouldn’t want our generation and future generations to suffer badly. Therefore, we should start to take action and forestall global warming!

Saturday, February 2, 2008
Has the Internet done more harm than good?
First of all, Internet is something that nearly everyone in the world needs. It is a necessity to almost everyone in the world. information on the Net is so easily accessible that one can just type what one needs to search for, and information appears like rabbits. Internet was started by a place called CERN, who proposed the idea to create the World Wide Web. It was invented by Tim Berners-Lee in 1989. However, i agree that the Internet has certainly done more harm than good, but to a limited extent.

Nowadays, nearly everything requires the uses of computer, and most people in the world who owns a computer, has access to the Internet, regardless of the speed or the networking speed that they subscribe to. Sometimes, students in school is assigned a project on something which may be sound a little hard to them, but the Internet has lots of info on that subject. All they have to do is search it on Yahoo, and they get the answers rolling out like recipes for baking cookies.

For adults, practically everyone who works in an industrialized area has to sit behind a computer to do their work. Adults need to communicate with each other, which is where email comes in. Email is the big turn-around for the world since its creation. It is the fastest way to contact each other around the world. It is not dissimilar to writing a mail to your friend. The difference is that you need your friends email address and Internet access. Email accounts can be created easily anywhere on the Web. Hotmail, G-mail and Yahoo are a few common hosts who allows you to create your email for free of charge.

Even now, email is very outdated. Now, there is something called an Internet-Relay chat, whereby two people communicate with each other through a program. Windows Live Messenger allows people to chat with each other. The downside is, both parties must be online for them to chat. It is direct communication as well. What is safe, is that you won't have people you don't recognize to chat with you. Only those whom you know will chat with you, as only them has your email. However, there are some trouble-makers who cropped up problems around the world. Only recently, there were a group of hackers who disrupted the Internet, causing world-wide problems. Many companies and schools were affected by the hackers.

I still agree that the internet has done more harm than good. The Internet has both good and bad uses, and one should not discriminate it just because of a few uses, and one should not avoid it because of certain sites that disgust people. As long as you search at the correct area, you will find information that is relevant to your subject.

my name is Rhynn. i am 14 old and i love potatochips. my mom keeps telling me to study hard this year but i just cant resist going into games. xD bold italic underlineRhyn CHan!! xD :)

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